Saturday, April 26, 2014

Higgs Boson

Higgs boson dubbed the god particle that gave the universe mass. It took scientists 40 years to make it appear. But well, ever thought how it just appeared. Before the higgs boson was wade all the particles were without mass making then travel at speed of light when these particles collided and made infinite mas, i.e. because to travel at light speed infinite energy is required and when  two mass less particles with infinite energy collided they cause infinite mass which resulted in the formation of higgs boson. Scientists say that a single higgs boson cannot have enough mass to give mass to the ever expanding universe and say that there must be five higgs boson to provide mass to the universe but the higgs boson has infinite mass so a single boson can give mass to the whole universe. And there might just not be five or just one boson but many higgs boson because many mass less particles might have collided to create higgs boson.

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